December 2024 Update: While I have been on hiatus for a few months, refocusing some of my creative efforts and scaling back my business, I do intend to revisit this project in the new year, so stay tuned! -----
May 2, 2024

If you know me or follow me on social media at all, you know that I LOVE birds. I’ve been a birder for over 10 years, and am lucky enough to live near one of the busiest spring migration routes in North America, along Lake Michigan. I’ve also been a professional illustrator for over a decade, and most of my work is inspired by the natural world.
This is the third coloring book project I’ve produced in the last 10 years or so, and the largest and most ambitious to date. It started with a stalled project to create vintage-inspired postcards of every state bird and flower. I enjoyed the first dozen, but then started getting stalled out on repeats (Northern cardinal, anyone?) and time constraints due to a new job. At some point I realized that I wanted to produce another coloring book, and that many of the postcard drawings would lend themselves very nicely to beautiful line drawings. The alphabet seemed like a good way to set a goal and a theme for the book, and I was off to the races in late 2023 with some preliminary drawings.
The Bird Alphabet Coloring Book will include one bird for every letter of the alphabet. Pages will be one-sided, printed on an FSC-certified heavyweight paper that will stand up to your favorite colored pencils and markers, and the color-your-own postcards are a fun add on for the higher dollar bundles. The funding deadline is June 15, so I hope you’ll take a look and share with a friend! Books should be shipping in September of this year. Thanks for checking it out!